NCD – Uploading and Downloading vApps, Templates, and Media
Navisite Cloud Director (NCD) allows you to upload and download vApps between your site and NCD using VMware's OVF Tool, or the vCloud Director user interface.
Individual VMs, vApps, and VM/vApp templates can be uploaded to NCD as Open Virtualization Format (OVF) packages (.ovf) or Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) files (.ova).
vApps and vApp templates can be downloaded from NCD in either .ovf or .ova format. However, individual VMs and VM templates cannot be downloaded from NCD.
Media (ISO files) can also be uploaded to and downloaded from Navisite Cloud Director.
This article assumes that OVF files to be uploaded to NCD are created from a VMware source.
See OVF/OVA File Screening for details on pre-screening OVF files to ensure that the resources you are attempting to upload to NCD are compatible with VMware vCloud Director.
NCD-related requirements for resources being uploaded include:
- Included VMs must have a virtual hardware version that is supported by NCD and vCloud Director
- Included VMs must not have mounted ISOs
- Any existing snapshots should be removed from included VMs
About OVF Files
OVF is an open standard defining the format for packaging and distributing virtual appliances (i.e., software to be run in virtual machines). The OVF standard is not specific to VMware, nor is it directly associated with any particular hypervisor or processor architecture.The unit of packaging and distribution is the OVF package, in the form of an xml-formatted .ovf file, which may contain one or more virtual systems. Each virtual system can be deployed to a virtual machine. An OVF package structure consists of:
- a descriptor file
- an optional manifest and certificate files
- optional disk images (VMware .vmdk, or other supported disk image file)
- optional resource files (such as ISOs)
sha1 checksum
value for each file contained in the OVF package, excluding the manifest file itself. The OVF file provides a definition for the virtual resources being transferred. In addition, the OVF file compresses the contents of the original vApp.
About OVA Files
An OVA is a single file distribution of the OVF file package, stored in the TAR format.An OVA must be opened into the OVF package format. An OVA-formatted OVF package can be converted back to OVF format by using VMware's OVF Tool as follows:
ovftool package.ova package.ovf
File Transfer Options
Options for transferring vApps and templates between a local machine and NCD include…- Recommended: using version 4.3.0 of VMware's OVF Tool. The OVF Tool resides on a local PC, and can be used to transfer OVF and OVA files to/from NCD. The OVF Tool must be downloaded from, using of a member login, and installed on the PC to or from which files are to be transferred.
Important: Navisite recommends a size limit of 75 GB for OVF/OVA file transfers using the OVF Tool.
The size of the file transfer has a direct inverse correlation to the latency of the datacenter to which the file is being transferred. A lower latency allows larger transfers. If you experience errors during transfer using the OVF Tool, and the time of the operation exceeds 24 hours, consider using VMware Web Tools (detailed below), or contact support for an alternate method of file transfer. - Not Recommended: using VMware Web Tools and vCloud Director's user interface. This method requires that Adobe Flash Player and the VMware Remote Integration plugin be installed, along with a compatible version of the ovftool. Instructions for installing the plugin are provided later in this document.
Note: File transfers to and from Navisite Cloud Director are currently limited to 500GB. Contact Support if you have a transfer requirement that exceeds 500GB.
Installing the OVF Tool
To install and use VMware's OVF Tool in your environment, download it from VMware as an installer or an archived file. In order to download the OVF Tool, you must create an account with VMware at Sign into using your VMware user account.
- Search for and download the appropriate installer for the operating system of the PC on which the OVF Tool is to be installed. For details, refer to VMware’s OVF Tool Documentation.
- Install version 4.3.0 of the OVF Tool using the appropriate method for the host operating system. Complete the installer's instructions.
- After installation, you can run the OVF Tool in Windows or UNIX/Linux based operating systems from a command prompt. For details, refer to VMware’s OVF Tool Documentation.
Uploading to Navisite Cloud Director Using the OVF Tool
Uploading vApp Templates Using the OVF Tool
Uploading vApp templates into Navisite Cloud Director allows you to store externally created vApp and VM templates in your catalog for future deployments in your NCD environment.Note: This method works for vApp templates only. Attempting to upload a non-template OVA/OVF as a template results in an error.
To upload vApp Templates to Navisite Cloud Director using the OVF Tool:
- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click TEMPLATES in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the Templates page.
- Select the "My Templates" tab at the top of the Templates page.
- Click Upload at the top of the Templates page. The Upload Template pop-up window appears.
- Select the "OVFtool" tab.
- Using the fields on the "OVFtool" tab, configure the template upload as follows:
- Specify the physical data center destination for the vApp template by selecting the appropriate data center from the "vCloud" drop-down list.
- Specify the catalog to which the template should be uploaded by selecting the appropriate catalog from the "Catalog" drop-down list.
- Specify the template source file format by selecting the appropriate file format from the "Format" drop-down list.
- Specify a name for the template in the "Template name" field.
As you configure the template details, an example OVF Tool command appears in the shaded area at the bottom of the "OVFtool" tab. - Click the shaded area at the bottom of the "OVFtool" tab to highlight the command, and copy it to your clipboard.
- Open a command prompt window and navigate to the location of the OVF/OVA template file.
- Paste the copied command into the command prompt window.
- Replace the
portion of the command line with the name of the template file. - Press Enter.
- Enter your Navisite Cloud Director password when prompted.

To verify the status of the OVA/OVF conversion:
- At the Navisite Cloud Director Dashboard page, click TEMPLATES in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the Templates page.
- Select the "My Templates" tab at the top of the Templates page.
- Click the name of the template being uploaded. The Template detail page appears.
- Click View in vCloud. The vCloud Director vApps Templates page appears.
The "Status" column displays information on the status of the OVA/OVF import and conversion.
Note: The "My Templates" tab only displays templates that you have uploaded. The "All Templates" tab displays all templates to which you have a minimum of "read" access.
Uploading and Deploying vApps Using the OVF Tool
VMware's OVF Tool allows you to upload and directly deploy vApps via an OVF/OVA file.Note: This method works for vApps only. Attempting to upload a template OVA/OVF as a vApp results in an error.
To upload vApps to Navisite Cloud Director using the OVF Tool:
- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click VAPPS in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the vApps page.
- Click Upload. The Upload vApp pop-up window appears.
- Select the "OVFtool" tab.
- Using the fields on the "OVFtool" tab, configure the vApp upload as follows:
- Specify the physical data center destination for the vApp by selecting the appropriate data center from the "vCloud" drop-down list.
- Specify the virtual datacenter (vDC) to which the template should be uploaded by selecting the appropriate vDC from the "vDataCenter" drop-down list.
- Specify the vApp source file format by selecting the appropriate file format from the "Format" drop-down list.
- Specify a name for the vApp in the "vApp name" field.
As you configure the vApp details, an example OVF Tool command appears in the shaded area at the bottom of the "OVFtool" tab. - Click the shaded area at the bottom of the "OVFtool" tab to highlight the command, and copy it to your clipboard.
- Open a command prompt window and navigate to the location of the OVF/OVA vApp file.
- Paste the copied command into the command prompt window.
- Replace the
portion of the command line with the name of the vApp file. - Press Enter.
- Enter your Navisite Cloud Director password when prompted.

To verify the status of the OVA/OVF conversion:
- At the Navisite Cloud Director Dashboard page, click VAPPS in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the vApps page.
- Select the "My vApps" tab at the top of the vApps page.
- Click the name of the vApp being uploaded. The vApp detail page appears.
- Click View in vCloud. The vCloud Director vApps Diagram page appears.
- Select My Cloud > vApps in the navigation pane on the left side of the page.
The "Status" column displays information on the status of the OVA/OVF import and conversion.
Note: The "My vApps" tab only displays vApps that you have uploaded. The "All vApps" tab displays all vApps to which you have a minimum of "read" access.
Downloading from Navisite Cloud Director Using the OVF Tool
Note: Contractual obligation prohibits you from using NaviSite licenses on VMs once they are downloaded from Navisite Cloud Director. In such a case, you must change the licensing of downloaded VMs in advance of their use.
Downloading vApp Templates Using the OVF Tool
To download vApp templates from Navisite Cloud Director using VMware's OVF Tool:- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click TEMPLATES in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the Templates page.
- Select the "My Templates" tab at the top of the Templates page.
- Click the name of the template to be downloaded. The Template detail page appears.
- Click Download. The Download Template pop-up window appears.
- Select the "OVFtool" tab.
- At the "OVFtool" tab, select the OVA archive or OVF folder format for the download.
- Click the shaded area at the bottom of the "OVFtool" tab to highlight the command, and copy it to your clipboard.
- Open a command prompt window and navigate to the location to which the OVF/OVA file is to be downloaded.
- Paste the copied command into the command prompt window.
- If necessary, modify the filename portion of the command line with the desired filename for the template.
- Press Enter.
- Enter your Navisite Cloud Director password when prompted.

Downloading vApps Using the OVF Tool
Before downloading a vApp from Navisite Cloud Director, the vApp must have a status condition of "Stopped."Stopping a vApp
To stop a vApp:- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click VAPPS in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the vApps page.
- At the vApps page, click the name of the vApp to be stopped. The vApp detail page appears.
- At the vApp detail page, scroll down to the "Current Status" section and click Diagram to display the vApp diagram.
- View the vApp diagram and note any constituent VMs that are currently running, as indicated by a green triangle.
- In the vApp diagram, click a currently running VM, and click the VM name in the resulting pop-up window. The VM detail page appears.
- Shut down the VM by selecting "Shutdown" from the Power Off (Stop) drop-down menu at the top of the VM detail page.
- Return to the vApp detail page by clicking the vApp name in the breadcrumb path at the top of the VM detail page.
- Repeat Steps 4 - 8 for each running VM in the vApp.
- When all VMs in the vApp have been shut down, select "Shutdown" from the Power Off (Stop) drop-down menu at the top of the vApp detail page.
Downloading vApps
To download vApps from Navisite Cloud Director using the OVF Tool:- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click VAPPS in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the vApps page.
- At the vApps page, click the name of the vApp to be downloaded. The vApp detail page appears.
- At the vApp page, click Download. The Download vApp pop-up window appears.
- Select the "OVFtool" tab.
- At the "OVFtool" tab, select the OVA archive or OVF folder format for the download.
- Click the shaded area at the bottom of the "OVFtool" tab to highlight the command, and copy it to your clipboard.
- Open a command prompt window and navigate to the location to which the OVF/OVA file is to be downloaded.
- Paste the copied command into the command prompt window.
- If necessary, modify the filename portion of the command line with the desired filename for the vApp.
- Press Enter.
- Enter your Navisite Cloud Director password when prompted.

- At the Navisite Cloud Director Dashboard page, click VAPPS in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the vApps page.
- Click the name of the vApp being downloaded. The vApp detail page appears.
- Click View in vCloud. The vCloud Director vApps Diagram page appears.
- Select My Cloud > vApps in the navigation pane on the left side of the page.
- Review the "Status" column for the vApp being downloaded for information on the status of the OVA/OVF download.
- Monitor the download progress until the vApp completes its "Enabling download" processing.
- When the vApp status no longer displays "Enabling Download," return to the command prompt window and re-enter the copied command generated by the OVF Tool.
Not Recommended: Uploading to Navisite Cloud Director using VMware Web Tools
Note: It is recommended that Mozilla Firefox be used when uploading vApps and templates to NCD using vCloud Director and the VMware Remote Integration Plugin.
Uploading vApp Templates using VMware Web Tools
Uploading vApp templates into Navisite Cloud Director allows you to store externally created vApp and VM templates in your catalog for future deployments in your NCD environment.Note: This method works for vApp templates only. Attempting to upload a non-template OVA/OVF as a template results in an error.
To upload vApp Templates to Navisite Cloud Director using vCloud Director and the Remote Integration Plugin:
- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click TEMPLATES in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the Templates page.
- Select the "My Templates" tab at the top of the Templates page.
- Click Upload at the top of the Templates page. The Upload Template pop-up window appears.
- Select the "In-browser" tab.
- Click the "Open the 'vApp Templates' listing" link at the bottom of the pop-up window, and select the physical data center destination for the vApp template. vCloud Director launches in a new browser tab, with the "vApp Templates" tab displayed.
- Click the "gear" icon at the top of the vCloud Director "vApp Templates" tab, and select Upload… from the resulting menu. The Upload OVF package as a vApp Template pop-up window appears.
If you have not previously downloaded and installed the VMware Client Integration Plug-in…
Note: The following procedure must be performed as a system administrator. If you are not running your browser as an administrator, close the browser, restart it as an administrator, and repeat Steps 1-7, above.
- Click the Download the Client Integration Plug-in link.
- Download and start the
executable file. - Follow the installation instructions for the VMware Client Integration plug-in.
- Restart your browser.
- Check your browser settings to ensure that pop-ups and plug-ins are permitted.
- Repeat Steps 1-7, above.
- Click the Download the Client Integration Plug-in link.
- Using the "Source" fields in the Upload OVF package as a vApp Template pop-up window, select the OVF/OVA upload source by either specifying a URL, or by browsing to OVF/OVA file on your local file system.
- Enter a name for the new vApp template in the "Name" field.
- If desired, enter a description for the new vApp template in the "Description" field.
- Specify the catalog to which the vApp template should be uploaded by selecting the appropriate catalog from the "Catalog" drop-down list.
- Click Upload. A pop-up window appears displaying the upload progress for the vApp template.
Note: If you are not active in your Navisite Cloud Director or vCloud Director browser tab, your session may time out. vCloud Director continues the upload regardless of your login session status; log into Navisite Cloud Director and vCloud Director if your upload progress appears to stall, and verify that the import is still in progress.

Uploading and Deploying vApps Using VMware Web Tools
Note: This method works for vApps only. Attempting to upload a template OVA/OVF as a vApp results in an error.
To upload vApps to Navisite Cloud Director using vCloud Director and the Remote Integration Plugin:
- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click VAPPS in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the vApps page.
- Click Upload. The Upload vApp pop-up window appears.
- Select the "In-browser" tab.
- Click the "Open the 'vApps' listing" link at the bottom of the pop-up window, and select the physical data center destination for the vApp. vCloud Director launches in a new browser tab, with the vApps page displayed.
- Click the "gear" icon at the top of the vCloud Director vApps page, and select Add vApp from OVF from the resulting menu. The Add vApp From OVF pop-up window appears.
If you have not previously downloaded and installed the VMware Client Integration Plug-in…
Note: The following procedure must be performed as a system administrator. If you are not running your browser as an administrator, close the browser, restart it as an administrator, and repeat Steps 1-6, above.
- Click the Download the Client Integration Plug-in link.
- Download and start the
executable file. - Follow the installation instructions for the VMware Client Integration plug-in.
- Restart your browser.
- Check your browser settings to ensure that pop-ups and plug-ins are permitted.
- Repeat Steps 1-6, above.
- Click the Download the Client Integration Plug-in link.
- Select the OVF/OVA upload source by either specifying a URL, or by browsing to OVF/OVA file on your local file system.
- Click Next.
- Review the OVF/OVA details, and click Next.
- Enter a name for the new vApp in the "Destination/Name" field.
- If desired, enter a description for the new vApp in the "Description" field.
- Specify the virtual datacenter (vDC) to which the vApp should be added by selecting the appropriate vDC from the "Virtual Datacenter" drop-down list.
- Click Next.
- Review the vApp configuration and make any necessary adjustments.
- Click Next.
- Review the network configuration and make any necessary adjustments.
- Click Next.
- Review the vApp hardware configuration and make any necessary adjustments.
- Click Next.
- Review the vApp upload summary and click Finish. A pop-up window appears displaying the upload progress for the vApp.
Note: If you are not active in your Navisite Cloud Director or vCloud Director browser tab, your session may time out. vCloud Director continues the upload regardless of your login session status; log into Navisite Cloud Director and vCloud Director if your upload progress appears to stall, and verify that the import is still in progress.

Uploading Media
Media (in ISO format) can be uploaded to Navisite Cloud Director and mounted to a VM's virtual media drive, as follows:- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click MEDIA in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the Media page.
- Click Upload. The Upload Media pop-up window appears.
- If you prefer to upload in-browser via the vCloud UI, click the vCD link at the top of the dialog. To upload via OVF Tool, continue these instructions.
- Fill in the applicable fields:
- Select the vCloud to which to upload the file.
- Select the NCD Catalog to which to upload the file.
- Select whether the upload Format is OVA archive or OVF folder (for VMs and vApps) or ISO (for media--not shown in this case).
- Specify the Name of the template, vApp, or media to be uploaded.
- As you select and enter values through the fields, the dialog constructs an example OVF Tool command in the shaded area beneath the fields.
- Click on the shaded area to highlight the command, and copy it to your clipboard.
- Open up the command line or terminal emulator on the machine that both has OVF tool installed and contains the file you wish to upload.
- Paste the command and, if necessary, modify it if the file you are uploading has a name different than the suggestion.
- Press Enter.
- Provide your NCD password when prompted.
OVF Tool processes and completes the upload.
Not Recommended: Downloading from Navisite Cloud Director using VMware Web Tools
Note: It is recommended that Mozilla Firefox be used when downloading vApp templates from NCD using vCloud Director and the VMware Remote Integration Plugin.
Downloading vApp Templates using VMware Web Tools
To download vApp Templates from Navisite Cloud Director using vCloud Director and the Remote Integration Plugin:- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click TEMPLATES in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the Templates page.
- Select the "My Templates" tab at the top of the Templates page.
- At the Templates page, click the name of the vApp template to be downloaded. The Template detail page appears.
- Click Download at the top of the Template detail page. The Download Template pop-up window appears.
- Select the "In-browser" tab.
- Click the "Open the 'vApp Templates' listing" link at the bottom of the pop-up window. vCloud Director launches in a new browser tab, with the "vApp Templates" tab displayed.
- At the "vApp Templates" tab, click to highlight the template to be downloaded.
- Click the "gear" icon at the top of the vCloud Director "vApp Templates" tab, and select Download from the resulting menu. The Download vApp Template pop-up window appears.
If you have not previously downloaded and installed the VMware Client Integration Plug-in…
Note: The following procedure must be performed as a system administrator. If you are not running your browser as an administrator, close the browser, restart it as an administrator, and repeat Steps 1-9, above.
- Click the Download the Client Integration Plug-in link.
- Download and start the
executable file. - Follow the installation instructions for the VMware Client Integration plug-in.
- Restart your browser.
- Check your browser settings to ensure that pop-ups and plug-ins are permitted.
- Repeat Steps 1-9, above.
- Click the Download the Client Integration Plug-in link.
- Enter a name for the vApp template in the "Name and Destination" field.
- Click Browse… and select a location to which the vApp template is to be downloaded.
- From the "Format" drop-down list, select the Folder of Files (OVF) or Single File (OVA) format for the download.
- If desired, enter a description for the template to be downloaded.
- If desired, you can preserve identity information by selecting the appropriate checkbox.
- Click OK to begin downloading the vApp template.

Downloading vApps Using VMware Web Tools
Before downloading a vApp from Navisite Cloud Director, the vApp must have a status condition of "Stopped."Stopping a vApp
To stop a vApp:- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click VAPPS in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the vApps page.
- At the vApps page, click the name of the vApp to be stopped. The vApp detail page appears.
- At the vApp detail page, scroll down to the "Current Status" section and click Diagram to display the vApp diagram.
- View the vApp diagram and note any constituent VMs that are currently running, as indicated by a green triangle.
- In the vApp diagram, click a currently running VM, and click the VM name in the resulting pop-up window. The VM detail page appears.
- Shut down the VM by selecting "Shutdown" from the Power Off (Stop) drop-down menu at the top of the VM detail page.
- Return to the vApp detail page by clicking the vApp name in the breadcrumb path at the top of the VM detail page.
- Repeat Steps 4 - 8 for each running VM in the vApp.
- When all VMs in the vApp have been shut down, select "Shutdown" from the Power Off (Stop) drop-down menu at the top of the vApp detail page.
Downloading vApps
To download vApps from Navisite Cloud Director using vCloud Director and the Remote Integration Plugin:- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click VAPPS in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the vApps page.
- At the vApps page, click the name of the vApp to be downloaded. The vApp detail page appears.
- Click Download at the top of the vApp detail page. The Download vApp pop-up window appears.
- Select the "In-browser" tab.
- Click the "Open the 'vApps' listing" link at the bottom of the pop-up window. vCloud Director launches in a new browser tab, with the vApps page displayed.
- At the vApps page, click to highlight the vApp to be downloaded.
- Click the "gear" icon at the top of the vCloud Director vApps page, and select Download from the resulting menu. The Download vApp pop-up window appears.
If you have not previously downloaded and installed the VMware Client Integration Plug-in…
Note: The following procedure must be performed as a system administrator. If you are not running your browser as an administrator, close the browser, restart it as an administrator, and repeat Steps 1-8, above.
- Click the Download the Client Integration Plug-in link.
- Download and start the
executable file. - Follow the installation instructions for the VMware Client Integration plug-in.
- Restart your browser.
- Check your browser settings to ensure that pop-ups and plug-ins are permitted.
- Repeat Steps 1-8, above.
- Click the Download the Client Integration Plug-in link.
- Enter a name for the vApp in the "Name " field.
- Click Browse… and select a location to which the vApp is to be downloaded.
- From the "Format" drop-down list, select the Folder of Files (OVF) or Single File (OVA) format for the download.
- If desired, enter a description for the template to be downloaded.
- If desired, you can preserve identity information by selecting the appropriate checkbox.
- Click OK to begin downloading the vApp template.

Downloading Media
Media (in ISO format) can be downloaded from Navisite Cloud Director, as follows:- Log into Navisite Cloud Director.
- At the Dashboard page, click MEDIA in the "Assets" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the page to display the Media page.
- Click the media you wish to download. The Media detail page appears.
- Click Download. The Download Media pop-up window appears.
- Select whether the download Format should be OVA archive or OVF folder (only applicable to vApps and Templates).
- Click on the shaded area to highlight the command, and copy it to your clipboard.
- Open up the command line or terminal emulator on the machine that both has OVF tool installed and contains the file you wish to upload.
- Paste the command and, if necessary, modify it if you wish to change the destination file's name or location.
- Press Enter.
- Provide your NCD password when prompted.
OVF Tool processes and completes the upload.