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NCD – Logging Into Navisite Cloud Director

Navisite Cloud Director (NCD) customers receive an email from Navisite entitled "Create your new account," which provides your Navisite Cloud Director username.

Alternatively, customers may receive NCD usernames via their system administrator.

Navisite Cloud Director usernames are in user@organization format, where:
  • "user" is the name value created when the user is added to the system.

  • "organization" is the vCloud organization name (usually a short version of your company name, assigned by Navisite).
Example: If your organization is "exampleco," a user with the name "jdoe" logs in by entering the username "jdoe@exampleco" and a password at the Login page.

Note: The username supplied in your email is not an email address. When logging into Navisite Cloud Director, enter the username exactly as specified in the email, or by your system administrator.

To log into Navisite Cloud Director:
  1. Using a web browser, navigate to The Login page appears.

  2. Enter your username and password values at the login page, and click Sign In.

  3. Upon successful login, the Dashboard page appears.

Note: The system temporarily disables/locks your user account following five unsuccessful login attempts within a ten minute period. The Login page displays a message instructing you to either wait ten minutes before attempting another login, or to click a link to reset your password. Your account becomes unlocked if a system administrator updates the password with the system's user management facilities.

Recovering Usernames and Passwords

If you have forgotten your username or password, click the Forgot username? or Forgot password? link at the Login page.

Note: To employ either the username or password recovery feature, you need to know the email address specified in your Navisite Cloud Director user definition.

After submitting the Forgot your username? form, you will receive an email listing all Navisite Cloud Director accounts associated with your email address.

After submitting the Forgot your password? form, you will receive an email with a link allowing you to reset the password to the specified account.

Password Complexity Rules

The system enforces the following password complexity rules:
  • Must be at least 6 characters long.
  • Must not contain user's Full Name or parts of user's Full Name that exceed two consecutive characters.
  • Cannot contain a character more than twice in a row.
  • Must contain at least one lowercase letter.
  • Must contain at least one uppercase letter.
  • Must contain at least one number.
  • Must contain at least one special character – !@#$%^&*_=+~<>|{}[]?()-;:
  • Cannot contain the Username.

Still Having Trouble Logging In?

For further assistance with the Navisite Cloud Director Login procedure, contact Navisite Cloud Director Support.

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