NCD – Configuring Billing Alerts
Navisite Cloud Director® (NCD) can be configured to alert users (either upon login or via email) when…
- resource consumption exceeds or is projected to exceed a specified number of billing points.
- resource consumption increases or is projected to increase over the previous month's consumption by a specified percentage.
Note: You must be assigned the Navisite Cloud Director "administrator" role to add, edit, or delete alerts.
Billing alerts are displayed or emailed once daily. Alerts can be dismissed for the duration of a particular login session (for non-email alerts only) by clicking Dismiss for now, or dismissed for a month by clicking Dismiss for the month.

Note: When an alert is dismissed for a month, the Alerts page subsequently includes an Undo Dismissal button, allowing you to resume the dismissed alert
Click the Manage alerts link in the billing alert message to view the Alerts page.
Example Alerts
Exceeds – if a charge has exceeded the specified alert threshold, the following alert message is generated:
Warning: This month's charge is XX points, which exceeds an alert threshold of YY points.
Projected – if the current month's billing is projected to exceed the specified alert threshold, the following alert message is generated:
Warning: If current usage continues, the charge for this month is projected to be XX points, which exceeds an alert threshold of YY points.
Viewing the Alerts Page
The NCD Alerts page lists any configured alerts for your account. To view your account's NCD Alerts page:- Click NCD Alerts in the "Admin" section of the navigation bar on the left side of the NCD Dashboard page.
Creating/Editing Alerts
The Alerts page allows you to create new alerts or edit existing alerts as follows:- To create a new alert, click +Create Alert. To edit an existing alert, click the "gear" icon in the Alerts page table for the desired alert. The Create/Edit Alert page appears.
- To apply the alert to your total monthly billing charge, select the Total account charge (monthly) radio button.
To apply the alert to charges for particular object, select the Specific object's monthly cost radio button. A list of objects in your environment appears, allowing you to select a specific object's charges (e.g., vDataCenter, vApp, or VM charges) for the alert.
- From the "Condition" drop-down menu, select a condition on which the alert is to be based.
- Select exceeds to trigger the alert when the cost exceeds a specified billing point threshold.
- Select increases to trigger the alert when the cost increases over the previous month's total by a specified percentage threshold.
- In the "Threshold" field, specify an alert threshold value.
- If exceeds is selected from the "Condition" drop-down menu, specify a number of billing points in the "Threshold" field.
- If increases is selected from the "Condition" drop-down menu, specify a percentage in the "Threshold" field.
- Select a "Notification Method" option for the alert.
- To receive the alert within the Navisite Cloud Director application, select the In-App checkbox.
- To receive the alert by email, select the Email checkbox, and select the checkbox(es) for the desired email recipients. To specify additional email recipients, click +Add Email and enter the desired email address in the "Additional Email Recipients" field.
- Click Add/Edit Alert to add or edit the alert, or click Cancel to cancel the operation.