Proximity – Viewing Configuration Items, Performance Metrics, and Azure Resources
Viewing Configuration Items
Your configuration items (CIs) are listed on the "Configuration Items" tab of the Proximity Infrastructure page. To view your configuration items:- Click Infrastructure in the Proximity navigation pane at the left side of the page.
- Select the "Configuration Items" tab.

Filtering and Searching Your Configuration Item List
Downloading Your List of Configuration Items
Displaying/Hiding Configuration Item List Columns
Viewing, Adding, and Deleting Tags
The CI list view "TAGS" column displays informational tags that have been added to the CI, and allows you to add or remove them.
- For CIs with multiple tags, the CI list view "TAGS" column displays its first tag, and a clickable "and X more" control. To display all of the CI's tags in the list view, click the "down arrow" icon in the control, as illustrated above.
- To add a new tag to the CI, click the "+" icon in the CI's "TAGS" column, as illustrated above.
- To delete a tag from the CI, click the "X" icon to the right of the tag to be removed, as illustrated above.
Monitoring Configuration Item Health
The "Configuration Items" tab "SYSTEM HEALTH" column provides gauges for each CI which reflect system health values (Good/green, Bad/red, or Unknown/yellow) for each monitoring target on the configuration item. Each segment of the gauge represents a monitoring target on the CI. A configuration item may have multiple monitoring targets (for example, a server may have several network interfaces, each of which can be monitored).Viewing Configuration Item Details and Performance Metrics
To view a configuration item's details, click the desired entry in the "Configuration Items" tab list. The CI Details page appears.
Configuration item details include:
- CI Operational Status – values include:
- Implementing
- Maintenance
- Recurring
- DeInstall
- Live
- Name – the editable CI name/nickname, which may not be identical to the Hostname. To change the CI name, click the "pencil" icon to the right of the displayed name, enter the desired name value, and click the green check mark (click the red X to cancel the operation).
- Type
- Virtualized – true or false
- Data Center
- Hostname
- IP Address
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Version
- Serial Number
- Group
- Anti-Virus Compliance
- Backups Compliance
- Patching Compliance
- Alerts – indicates whether CI alerts are currently active. A green circle to the right of the alert status indicates that there is currently an open maintenance window involving the CI, and that alerts are suppressed. Hover your mouse cursor over the green circle to display the maintenance window type.
Monitoring Configuration Item Health
The CI Details page "Health" tab displays system health values (Good, Bad, or Unknown) for each monitoring target on the configuration item. A configuration item may have multiple monitoring targets (for example, a server may have several network interfaces, each of which can be monitored).
The "System Health" column presents icons for each possible health condition. Hover your mouse cursor over the icon to view the health condition value.
Filtering Your Configuration Item Monitoring Targets
To filter your list to display all CI targets, only CI targets with good health conditions, only CI targets with bad health conditions, or only CI targets with unknown health conditions, select All, Good, Unknown, or Bad from the drop-down menu above the list. By default, the list displays all configuration item monitoring targets.Searching Your Configuration Item Monitoring Targets
Downloading Your List of Configuration Item Monitoring Targets
Viewing Configuration Item Performance Graphs
Note: Performance graphing may not be available for every configuration item.
- Select the "Performance" tab at the CI Details page.
- Select a performance metric (e.g., Latency, Packet Loss, Network Interface - Utilization) from the leftmost drop-down menu.
Certain performance metrics require the selection of a target (e.g., selecting a network interface metric requires you to select a particular network interface for the configuration item). In this case, a drop-down menu appears to the right of this field when the configuration item is selected. - If necessary, select a target for the selected metric.
- From the rightmost drop-down menu, select a time interval over which to graph performance. Available time intervals include 2 Hours, 12 Hours, Last Day, Last Week, and Last Month.
- Click GRAPH IT to create and view the performance graph for the configuration item.
Viewing Graph Data
To view detail information for points in time on your graph, hover your mouse cursor over points on the graph.The dotted trend line(s) on the graph represent an average of each selected performance metric over time, allowing you to easily identify performance variations.
To add or remove graph data, click the corresponding legend entry below the graph.

Zooming Your Graph
To view graph data at a higher level of detail, you can zoom in on a particular interval on your displayed graph by clicking and dragging your mouse cursor over the desired time period on the graph.
Downloading Graph Data
Creating a Custom Performance Graph
The CI Details page allows you to select metrics and targets to create custom graphs for the configuration item. You can also expand the parameters to include other configuration items, in order to chart metrics across multiple configuration items for insight into the performance of your environment.Proximity allows you to save custom graphs. Saved performance graphs are available at the "Performance Metrics" tab of the Proximity Infrastructure page.
- In the "Performance" section of the CI Details page, click CREATE CUSTOM GRAPH. The Create New Performance Graph page appears.
- Click to select a performance metric from the "Choose a metric" list. The "Select Configuration Items" list appears.
- Select one or more configuration item targets from the "Select Configuration Items" list by clicking the desired checkbox(es). Note that all target checkboxes for the initial configuration item are preselected by default, but may be deselected if desired.

To view detail information for points in time on your graph, hover your mouse cursor over points on the graph.
To add or remove graph data, click the corresponding legend entry below the graph.
Note: The initial rendering of your custom graph uses a 24-hour time interval by default. If you save your custom graph, you can change the time interval as desired when you view it.
Downloading Graph Data
Saving Your Custom Graph
To save your custom graph parameters, enter a name for the graph in the "Graph name" field, and click SAVE GRAPH.
Saved performance graphs are available at the "Performance Metrics" tab of the Proximity Infrastructure page, detailed below.
Viewing Incidents Including a Configuration Item
The CI Details page "Incidents" tab allows you to view, search, and download details of any incidents involving the configuration item.
Filtering Incidents by Submission Date
To filter your list of incidents according to a date range or time period in which they were submitted, click the "Date range" field above the list. The Date range pop-up window appears.
Filtering and Searching Your Incident List
Downloading Your Incident List
Viewing Incident Details
To view an incident's details, click the desired entry in the "Incidents" tab list. The Incident Details page appears.Viewing Change Requests Including a Configuration Item
The CI Details page "Changes" tab allows you to view, search, and download details of any change requests involving the configuration item.
Filtering Change Requests by Submission Date
To filter your list of change requests according to a date range or time period in which they were submitted, click the "Date range" field above the list. The Date range pop-up window appears.
Filtering and Searching Your Change Request List
Downloading Your Change Request List
Viewing Change Request Details
To view a change request's details, click the desired entry in the "Changes" tab list. The Change Details page appears.Viewing Maintenance Windows for a Configuration Item
The CI Details page "Maintenance" tab allows you to view, search, and download details of any defined maintenance windows that include the configuration item. A green circle to the right of the "Maintenance" tab indicates the presence of an open maintenance window for the CI.
Filtering Maintenance Windows by Start Date
To filter your list of maintenance windows according to a date range or time period containing their start dates, click the "Date range" field above the list. The Date range pop-up window appears.
Filtering and Searching Your Maintenance Window List
Downloading Your Maintenance Window List
Viewing Maintenance Window Details
To view a maintenance window's details, click the desired entry in the "Maintenance" tab list. The Maintenance Window Details page appears.Viewing Custom Graphs
Your custom graphs are displayed on the "Performance Metrics" tab of the Proximity Infrastructure page. To view your custom graphs:- Click Infrastructure in the Proximity navigation pane at the left side of the page.
- Select the "Performance Metrics" tab to view a scrollable display of all of your saved custom graphs.

Searching Your Custom Graphs
To quickly find a particlular saved custom graph, enter all or part of the desired custom graph name in the "Custom Graph name" search field at the top of the "Performance Metrics" tab, and click SEARCH. To clear the search terms and view all of your custom graphs, click RESET.Changing a Custom Graph Name
To change a custom graph's name, click the "pencil" icon to the right of the displayed name, enter the desired name value, and click the green check mark (click the red X to cancel the operation).Viewing Graph Data
Newly created custom graphs have a default time interval of 24 hours. You can select a date range or time interval for the graph by clicking the "Date range" field above the graph. The Date range pop-up window appears.
Available predefined time intervals include Past 2 Hours, Past 24 Hours, Past 30 Days, Past 90 Days, Past 180 Days, Past Year, Past 2 Years, All of last year, and All of current year.
Note: Proximity retains your last selected time period for custom graphs.
To refresh the graph, click the Refresh icon above the graph.
To delete your custom graph, click the "trash can" icon above the graph.
To view detail information for points in your selected time interval, hover your mouse cursor over points on the graph.
To add or remove graph data, click the corresponding legend entry below the graph.
Zooming Your Graph
To view graph data at a higher level of detail, you can zoom in on a particular interval on your displayed graph by clicking and dragging your mouse cursor over the desired time period on the graph.
Downloading Graph Data
To download a comma-separated value (CSV) file of the displayed graph data, click the Download icon above the desired custom graph.Viewing Azure Resources
Azure resources are listed on the "Azure" tab of the Proximity Infrastructure page. To view your Azure resources:- Click Infrastructure in the Proximity navigation pane at the left side of the page.
- Select the "Azure" tab.

Filtering and Searching Your Azure Resource List
Downloading Your List of Azure Resources
Displaying/Hiding Azure Resource List Columns
Viewing Azure Resource Details
To view an Azure resource's details, click the desired entry in the "Azure" tab list. The Resource Details page appears.
Azure resource details include:
- Azure ID
- Type
- Kind
- Location
- Business Unit
- Subscription ID
- Tenant ID
- Virtual Network
- Frontend Public IP
- Frontend Private IP
- Tier