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NCD – What are the vApp status values?

A vApp’s status is a summary of the power status of its children VMs.  

The status is displayed in a column in the summary table on the vApps page.

it is also displayed on each vApp's detail page.  

There are several potential vApp status values, summarized here:

Running - All VMs within the vApp are powered on.

Partially Running - Indicates an inconsistent power status of VMs within the vApp.  (Some of the VMs in the vApp are powered on, some are not.)

Suspended - All VMs within the vApp are suspended.

Stopped - All VMs within the vApp are powered off.

Resolved - The vApp is created but does not yet have any VMs in it.

Creating - System is in the process of creating the vApp.

Waiting for User Input - Indicates a requirement that you go into vCD to answer a question or prompt about the VM. 

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