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NCD – How do I perform basic actions on a VM?

To initiate basic VM operations, first go to the VM's detail page.

Power On ("play" icon button) - Powering on a VM is the equivalent to powering on a physical computer. A VM must be powered off or suspended in order to be powered on.

Power on and recustomize (in dropdown menu next to "Power On" button) - Powers on a VM, performing VMware recustomization (for example to implement an administrator password change). The VM may be automatically rebooted after changes have been made.

Power Off ("stop" icon button) - Powering off a VM is equivalent to unplugging or cutting the power to a physical computer.

Shut Down (in dropdown menu next to "Power Off" button) - Sends a "shut down" message to the guest operating system, which aims to allow processes on the machine to finish before powering off (if the operating system supports this functionality).

Suspend (in dropdown menu next to "Power Off" button) - Suspending a VM preserves its current state. A VM must be powered on in order to be suspended.

Reboot ("refresh" icon button) - Sends a "reboot" signal to the guest operating system, which will allow processes on the machine to finish before resetting (if the operating system supports this functionality).

Reset (in dropdown menu next to "Reboot" button) - Resetting a running VM cycles its power, similar to a power off and power on in quick succession.

Delete - Deleting a VM removes it from the vApp. A VM must be powered off in order to be deleted.

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