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NCD – About Edge Gateways

An Edge Gateway provides a routed vDC network with connectivity to external networks, and can provide services such as load balancing, network address translation (NAT), and a firewall.

Edge Gateway Version and Upgrade Information

NSX Edge 6.3.5 is the latest Edge Gateway version supported by Navisite Cloud Director®.

If your environment is not currently using NSX Edge 6.3.5, attempts to redeploy the Edge Gateway using Navisite Cloud Director will result in an upgrade notice. This upgrade must be performed by Navisite, and requires roughly 10 minutes. To upgrade, contact the Navisite Helpdesk (at 877-946-7942).

Note: NSX Edge 6.2.4 can cause load balancer issues, and should be upgraded to NSX Edge 6.2.8 as soon as possible. This upgrade must be performed by Navisite.

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