NCD – Typical Workflow: Create a vApp with a VM and make it publicly available over the Internet

This article describes a short series of simple steps that take you through:
  • The creation of a vApp from scratch. 
  • The creation of VM in the vApp.
  • The creation of networking that makes the VM publicly available over the Internet.
  1. Navigate to the vApps page.  Click Create vApp.  On the Create vApp screen: 
    a.  Specify a new vApp Name.
    b.  Select create new vApp “from scratch” and customize this vApp “now, before creating it”.  Creating from scratch will start from an empty vApp with no previously defined VMs or networks.  Customizing it “now” enables you to include VMs and networking before the vApp is actually created.
    c.  Specify the vCloud and vDataCenter appropriate for your work. 
    d.  Click Next.
    Reference:   Creating a new vApp 
  2. From the Customize Network screen click the Add Network button.  Name the network, and select a Parent Network.  Click Next.
  3. From the Customize VMs screen click Add VM button.  Select VM "Source" template from the template table displayed.  Specify a VM Name, Hostname, Storage Policy, and network connection.  Click Finish.
  4. Once vApp creation task is complete, the vApp appears listed on vApps screen.  Click your newly created vApp’s link.
  5. From your vApp’s details screen, expand the VMs section.  Click the link of the VM you wish to make publicly available over the internet.
  6. From the VM’s details screen, expand the Behaviors section.  Click Add Behavior.  
  7. From the VM’s Behaviors screen, click to add the Public Service behavior.
    Reference:   What are Behaviors?    How do I add a Behavior?
  8. From the Public Service screen, specify the desired Protocol and Port.  Click Add Behavior.
  9. From the VM’s detail screen, the system displays status in the Behavior section’s Information column.  The system initiates the task and in background applies all rules and configuration necessary to add the requested behavior.  If the system encounters any task error in adding the behavior, it attempts to automatically correct the issue and displays in the Information column what is being addressed.  Certain task errors may simply display a Repair button that enables you to click to initiate the system's resolution of the error.  Once all such configuration conflicts are resolved, the behavior is added completely. 
    When the behavior is added successfully, the Behavior section’s Status column displays a green checkmark.
  10. Your VM is publicly available over the Internet.

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